Personal care
Innovative and high performance foam products for cosmetic and personal care can be brought to you by working with Sentient Foams Limited.
Our soft and highly absorbent foams can be engineered to create special profiles which improve fluid distribution using patented Dynamic Flow Technology.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you develop your new unique hygiene, personal care and cosmetic product.
Materials, such as non-wovens and super absorbers, can be incorporated into the product to enhance the performance of the foam.
Our foams are capable of carrying and releasing natural additives including fragrances and moisturizers.
Key characteristics of Sentient Foams
Incredibly soft
Highly absorbent
Typical applications
- Feminine hygiene pads
- Breast pads
- Daipers
- Make-up pads
- Cleansing wipes
- Beauty blenders